Empowering Young people
We provide positive initiatives and activities to empower young people aged 11-25 years old so they can fulfil their potential and positively contribute within their communities. Our work with the young people is underpinned by the importance of providing young people an equal opportunity and voice to thrive. We provide:
mentorship programmes that help them to define their purpose and unlock their talent
initiatives to raise awareness of current issues within their community and to discuss ways in which these problems can be solved.
employability workshops to help them build life skills that will improve their chances to gain meaningful employment
wellbeing initiatives that will help improve their mental, physical and emotional health
support young people at risk of or with experience of the criminal justice system
Shadowing with a Member of Parliament for those that want to take a career in politics
Empowerment of young people means encouraging them to take charge of their own lives. Today, young people across communities are facing diverse challenges and youth work in all its forms can serve as a catalyst for empowerment. We believe young people are the future and it takes a village to raise a child. Our research shows if we empower young people we will go far as communities because young people have skills and potential to do things. We aim to give young people time to share their views and opinions about the great things they are doing. Lets work together and empower young people. And give them a time to lead, lets humble ourselves and allow them to show us their potential. We support youth development on all levels, including policy development in the field, training for youth workers, the establishment of legal frameworks and sufficient allocation of resources. We support youth work activities, including grassroots, and social inclusion through our youth work and non-formal education activities. We create and develop easily accessible youth contact points that deliver a wide range of services or provide youth information.
Engage the young people
We believe if we encourage and promote inclusive participation of all young people in society we will see changes across communities. We actively engage young people through our leisure and social activities especially within the marginalised areas. We also use a collaborative approach and involve other youth organisations and policies affecting the lives of young people. We support and develop opportunities for ‘learning to participate’, raising interest in participatory actions to prepare help young people for participation.
Mentorship empowers young people
We know that young people are resilient and innovative, but they still need someone who can mentor them. It can be someone who’s young like them or someone who’s older. The person who can address the issues that young people face everyday. We know they desire to create change in their communities. We provide mentorship programmes for everyone including young people to help them thrive to their fullest potential.
Listening empowers young people
We understand the social dynamics have changed over the years and the way young people communicate can be different to what expect. We always give young people the opportunity to speak and we listen to their ideas whilst bringing them to life. It is important for us to value those ideas and treat them with respect. We provide Just Talk Virtual sessions everyday after 6pm.
Encouraging them to define their passion
One thing we know for a fact is understanding what your passion is especially at a young age can be very difficult. We consistently encourage young people to identify what they love and follow that love because that defines their passion. When young people understand they are given the tools to embrace their passion they become very productive and contribute to building safer communities. We use a holistic approach to help young people define their passion.
Supporting them to begin their journey
The time is now, its never too late to start something that they believe in, whether you want to start a company, start it now. You don’t have to wait until you reach a certain age, the time is now.
Engaging the zodiac star's

5 Ways to empower young people
Our Saturday outreach
The leader within project

Allzado (far left) is an inspirational young men from Nottingham who has aspirations to run his own a basketball academy. Through his resilience, passion, talent and drive for basketball he is tirelessly working on his dream. We met Allzado through our outreach activities where we began to mentor him to embrace his skills and strengths to achieve his fullest potential. Through the mentorship programme we also identified the skills he was unsure of and worked through them together using a holistic approach. At the end of the mentorship programme we gave him an opportunity to coordinate a basketball tournament which was one of largest street basketball tournament the city has held. Allazado took on the opportunity with enthusiasm, ownership, learning and his hard work paved way for one of the biggest basketball tournaments across Nottinghamshire. The Nottz Street Ball Madness provided a safe space for young people to all came together to not only enjoy but also to also improve their wellbeing as this was soon during the time the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions had been lifted. We saw a sense of belonging and positive social skills amongst the young people most of them mentioned it felt good to be outside mingling again. We had ten diverse teams voluntarily take part in the tournament and all ten teams were outstanding and behaved as role models. We also used a collaborative approach to involve other community organisations to be a part of the tournament, we had Helping Kids Achieve and Skate for Change take part. We are super proud of Breezy he is now working on setting up his Basketball Club which is a step to his academy. We still mentor him whenever he reaches out for support.

Allzado (far left) is an inspirational young men from Nottingham who has aspirations to run his own a basketball academy. Through his resilience, passion, talent and drive for basketball he is tirelessly working on his dream. We met Allzado through our outreach activities where we began to mentor him to embrace his skills and strengths to achieve his fullest potential. Through the mentorship programme we also identified the skills he was unsure of and worked through them together using a holistic approach. At the end of the mentorship programme we gave him an opportunity to coordinate a basketball tournament which was one of largest street basketball tournament the city has held. Allazado took on the opportunity with enthusiasm, ownership, learning and his hard work paved way for one of the biggest basketball tournaments across Nottinghamshire. The Nottz Street Ball Madness provided a safe space for young people to all came together to not only enjoy but also to also improve their wellbeing as this was soon during the time the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions had been lifted. We saw a sense of belonging and positive social skills amongst the young people most of them mentioned it felt good to be outside mingling again. We had ten diverse teams voluntarily take part in the tournament and all ten teams were outstanding and behaved as role models. We also used a collaborative approach to involve other community organisations to be a part of the tournament, we had Helping Kids Achieve and Skate for Change take part. We are super proud of Breezy he is now working on setting up his Basketball Club which is a step to his academy. We still mentor him whenever he reaches out for support.

young people wellbeing initiatives
Alarmingly, 75% of children and young people who experience a mental health problem aren’t getting the help they need.
Young people's wellbeing is just as important as fundamental elements that help them to thrive. We focus on improving the young people's mental health. Good mental health helps them develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.
We aim to help keep children and young people mentally well by providing:
leisure and social activities to improve their physical health and get regular exercise
time and freedom to play, indoors and outdoors
helping the build healthy social connections
a safe space that supports them to be resilient, have some control over their lives and feel like they belong

no knives saves lives
We provide campaign to raise awareness to:
End gang culture
Knife Crime
Criminal justice system
We work with mentors that have worked that path that can help the young people see to reality of the aftermath of gang culture.

the empowered youth PROJECT

We are collaborating with global communities to :
Promote cultural infusion activities that foster understanding between people of diverse backgrounds
Build a bridge between the young people within the global communities eg in Zimbabwe and the young people in the United Kingdom through virtual sessions to promote diversity
Raise awareness about substance misuse and the impact on their physical and mental well-being
Provide various interventions and advocacy to tackle the drug pandemic